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Pastured Products Directory – Canada

Alberta - British Columbia - Manitoba - New Brunswick - Nova Scotia - Ontario - Québec - Saskatchewan




Find a farm or ranch near you on our Eatwild Canada map, or browse the alphabetical list below.

Visit our Canada Beyond the Farm page for a list of local markets, restaurants, stores and buying clubs that sell grass-fed products.

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The following farms and ranches have certified they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:


Forage Acres Beef strives to produce Certified Organic grass-fed beef in the most natural sustainable method possible. (www.pacscertifiedorganic.ca/) Our cattle are predominantly Galloway, which are well known for their quality meat.

Producing beef from forage only is known to increase natural CLA fats which are beneficial to human health. It is truly a joy to move our cattle herd around the farm, moving them every few days to new pasture and water. Cattle are provided organically approved minerals at all times and use nose pumps from fenced dugouts to pump their own water. During the winter they bale graze and use snow as their source of water (see pictures on our website). Calving starts in late spring with calves staying with their mum`s through their first winter and weaning onto green pasture in early spring. Finishing is between 18–28 months of age.

Our beef are processed in a local Certified Organic processing plant and dry aged for nutrient-dense meat. Healthy Land = Healthy Plants and Animals = Healthy People.

Forest Acres Beef, Soames Smith, Box 415, Rycroft, Alberta CA T0H 3A0. (780) 765-2171 / (780) 832-6439.
E-mail: uddersmith@yahoo.ca. Website: www.forageacresbeef.com.

Grazed Right focuses on protecting and regenerating habitat in one of the most diverse and unique areas of Alberta. We protect and enhance this wildlife habitat and soil microbiome health through the planned grazing of cattle, pigs and laying hens. The byproducts of this method are Grass Fed Beef, Pastured Pork and Pastured Eggs that are nutrient-dense and delicious! We are the most local Grass Fed Beef for Calgary. Look us up on Google Maps under “Grazed Right.”

The core of what we do is ecosystem management. I am not a farmer, I am a steward of the land. I protect mice, gophers and their predators (coyotes, badgers, hawks, etc.). Rather than shoot coyotes and then poison an out of control gopher population, I let nature balance itself. Our cattle play a role in the ranch ecosystem, mimicking their bison cousins, and cycle nutrients on a large scale. The pigs and chickens fertilize the pastures and increase biodiversity wherever they go. It is an intact ecosystem, with respect and space for all wildlife.

We go to great effort to use low-stress animal handling techniques and are very proud of the “happy cows” we produce. We greatly value our partners (customers) and strive to build a long-term relationship with the goals of superior nutrition, environmental protection and animal welfare. We are not looking to be grocers selling two or three pounds of beef to thousands of strangers. We are developing a core group of people who are interested in small-scale (we have no employees), sustainable and affordable agriculture. All our partners are always welcome out at the ranch so you can take part in and enjoy the land and environment you are protecting.

If you want to buy beef straight from the farmer, this is the real deal. When you call, the rancher answers and there's good chance he'll be riding on horseback in the hills when he does.

Grazed Right, Ben and Stephanie Campbell, Box 60, Black Diamond AB, T0L 0H0. (403) 803-9190.
E-mail: grazedright@gmail.com. Website: www.grazedright.com.

Natures Way Farm is a holistic-managed, ecological, organic grass-based farm located near Peace River in northern Alberta, Canada. We raise grass fed cattle and sheep, and we grow alfalfa seed and hay. A combination of grass finishing genetics and grazing management allows us to offer some of the most tasty and nutritious beef and lamb.

Our farm is certified organic and we strive to build healthy mineral balanced soils that feed healthy diverse pastures. Our humane animal husbandry practices include spring/summer calving and lambing on grass, low-stress handling, and natural weaning.

We offer grass fed beef and lamb for sale from August - October. Orders are taken throughout the year. Our beef and lamb is custom cut and packaged to your specifications at a local abattoir.

Natures Way Farm, Peter Lundgard, Box 1258, Grimshaw AB T0H 1W0. (780) 338-2934.
E-mail: plundgard@telus.net.

Sunshine Organic Farm is family owned and operated, selling pasture raised Angus beef, Berkshire hogs, chickens and turkeys that we raise ourselves.

Our land and livestock have been certified organic since 2003 by the Global Organic Alliance, and all land has been farmed with organic practices for the past twenty-five years. Feed rations are made on the farm from the grain and hay we grow. Our laying hens are outdoors as weather permits. Eggs are graded and packaged in our CFIA approved egg grading station.

Our products are sold at the summer Downtown Edmonton Farmers Market, farm gate sales, Homegrown Foods in Stony Plain, Organic Roots (100th Street & Whyte Avenue, Edmonton) plus two outlets where pre-ordered products can be picked up with prior arrangements—Ocean Odyssey (167th Street & 100th Avenue) and a residence on the south side of Edmonton.

As important to us as the highest quality food we produce, is the care, feeding and processing of all of the livestock that bless us with the healthy and delicious products we sell and consume ourselves. Rations are what nature intends for them to eat, they are handled with respect in a quiet manner and taken to top quality abbattoirs for slaughter and provincial inspection. Humane treatment is paramount for us and we are grateful to work with people who provide this. After slaughter the pork and beef are returned to our farm cooler and cut and wrapped in our on farm meat building at the appropriate time to assure top quality and flavor. Individual cuts are available year round and custom orders are welcome.

Farm visits are encouraged so customers can be comfortable with the source of their food and to meet the people who grow it for them.

Sunshine Organics Farm, Sherry Horvath, 49557 RR 34, Warburg, AB. T0C 2T0. (780) 848-2288.
E-mail: sunorg@telusplanet.net. Website: www.sunshineorganicfarm.ca.

Sunworks Farm raises Certified Organic and Certified Humane Chicken, Pork, Turkeys, Beef, Bison and Eggs.

Our chickens, turkeys and laying hens are moved every day onto fresh grass during the summer and during our cold winters they are provided with alfalfa grass to ensure that they get their greens daily. Our pork is raised outside year round and is given access to fresh pasture. Our cattle and bison are 100% grass fed and never receive any grains during their lifetime.

We believe that animals, the land, the wider environment and people should be treated with respect. “We believe that raising animals organically in a healthy and low stress environment improves the lives of animals, people as well as the environment. We are committed to providing the consumer with the best meat for a fair price.”

We have multiple farmer’s market locations as well as several retail locations throughout Alberta. For more information please visit our website or email us.

Sunworks Farm, Box 55, Armena AB T0B 0G0. To order, call toll free (877) 393-3133 or (780) 672-9799.
E-mail: info@sunworksfarm.com. Website: www.sunworksfarm.com/.

On TK Ranch we believe that nutrient-dense foods offer people a diet that supports good health and a strong immune system. We offer consumers dry-aged Alberta grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb and heritage pasture raised pork. Our cattle and sheep are not fed any grain – we use the pasture model from birth to slaughter.

Our animals are born, raised and fed outside on large native grass pastures. Unlike organic and conventional grain finished beef and lamb, our animals are never confined in feedlots. Our animals never receive antibiotics, animal by-products, chemical insecticides, growth hormones or ionophores. Our land is never sprayed with chemical herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers.

We fence sensitive riparian habitat, use solar waterers and manage for endangered and threatened species. We are involved with wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release. We have received several awards for our commitment to the environment including the 2010 National Prairie Conservation Award.

We also have a strong commitment to animal welfare – we calve and lamb during the warm spring and summer. We use freeze brands on our cattle, practice low stress livestock handling, and move our animals frequently onto fresh pastures. Our sows are not kept in farrowing or gestation crates – they are allowed to nest naturally and and are not separated from their piglets at any time. Their piglets are not weaned until 12 weeks of age. Our beef and pork (and soon lamb) is certified humane by the British Columbia SPCA. We use a small government inspected family owned abattoir and personally handle our animals right to slaughter to ensure they are treated humanely and with respect.

Our products are available retail in Airdrie, Calgary, Edmonton and Stony Plain in several health food stores. Customers can also order direct from us. We personally deliver to our customers located in Edmonton and Calgary and surrounding areas. We ship via refrigerated truck across Canada.

TK Ranch, Colleen Biggs, PO Box 2050, Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0, Toll-free: 1 (888) TK Ranch (857-2624).
E-mail: colleen@tkranch.com. Website: www.tkranch.com.

Trail’s End Beef. Trail's End Ranch is a fifth-generation family operation, raising grassfed beef with the pure ingredients of grass, water, and time.

The cattle spend summer grazing the native grasses on the Porcupine Hills, and winter on prairie and hay land near Nanton, AB. They are 100% grassfed and grass-finished seasonally when the grass is green, and the cattle are in prime condition. We work the cattle from horseback, with low-stress handling and animal welfare our primary goals. Through upgrades to our watering systems and rotational grazing we protect water and carefully steward the land.

Reservations for bulk beef begin early in the year to fill your freezer during the summer and fall months. Order a Quarter, Side, or Whole Beef. Select Cuts and Sausages are available for purchase with inventory listed online and stocked at our barnyard Farm Store. Make an appointment to visit the ranch or arrange delivery to Calgary and area.

Trail’s End Beef, Tyler and Rachel Herbert, Nanton, Alberta, T0L 1R0. 403-601-5467.
E-mail: tylerandrachel@trailsendbeef.com. Website: www.trailsendbeef.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrailsEndBeef. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trailsendbeef/

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British Columbia

Big Bear Ranch, located near Horsefly in the beautiful Cariboo Region of Central BC, is family owned and operated. We are certified organic by PACS, but our understanding of organic includes more than what can be regulated. We believe in the importance of a holistic balance between land, animals and people. This starts with naturally fertile soil to grow a variety of healthy plants, which our animals graze to provide us with nutritious and great tasting meat. An organic place has to achieve sustainability through biodiversity in the landscape, in the plants and crops and in the species raised.

We don’t feed grain to ruminants and grass finish our beef with a rotational grazing system. Our humane animal husbandry includes low stress handling techniques and grazing on big pastures. We want the animals to be able to live as close as possible to Mother Nature’s plan: cows calve on green grass, pigs grow up in large pastures with trees and wallows, chicken and turkeys are truly raised free range and horses roam on big meadows.

We sell grass fed beef and pasture raised pork as a whole as well as in halves, quarters, and by the cut. Ground beef, European style Bratwurst and pet food are also available. Broadbreasted Bronze Turkeys are available in fall, but have to be preordered. Feel free to visit us at the ranch or have a look at our website.

Big Bear Ranch, Rainer and Gigi Krumsiek, Box 128, Horsefly BC. V0L 1L0, (250) 620-3393. Fax: (250) 620-3393.
E-mail: info@bigbearranch.com. Website: www.bigbearranch.com.

Cedar Beef comes from our small family farm located in the traditional territories of the Snuneymuxw First Nation, at the edge of the Nanaimo River Estuary in beautiful Cedar, BC, on Vancouver Island. All three generations of our family help to run the farm, which provides us the opportunity to live close, and stay connected, to the land and the people we love.

Having farmed here for 30 years, we are determined to steward a fertile, healthy land base to sustain our beef cattle and the abundance of wildlife that depend on the farm’s rich grasslands.

Our Simmental-Red Angus cattle are born on the farm and live in a low stress, natural environment. They are free to roam lush, fertile, highly nutritious forage pastures throughout the grazing season and in winter are supplemented with homegrown grass silage.

Once slaughtered, the beef is dry-aged for 21 days to relax the meat and intensify the flavor. The beef is then cut, wrapped and frozen at a provincially licensed Class ‘A’ slaughter facility nearby.

This combination of genetics, grass-finishing, and dry-aging allows us to offer highly nutritious beef, free of hormones and antibiotics, and full of flavor.

Our pre-packaged mixed freezer boxes offer a convenient way to try a selection of cuts. We also sell beef by the side or split side (quarter).

You can order online at www.cedarbeef.ca/shop for delivery anywhere in British Columbia.

Cedar Beef, Jessica White, 1265 Gordon Road, Nanaimo, BC V9X 1M3 . (250) 884-9139.
E-mail: cedarbeef@gmail.com . Facebook: facebook.com/CedarBeef.

Fir Hill Farm is a sustainable heritage farm located in the beautiful Gulf Islands of BC, between Victoria and Vancouver. We raise our livestock sustainably and naturally on grass like nature intended. We raise sheep on pasture, chicken and chicken eggs, and hazelnuts.

We sell from our farm stand as well as the Saturday Pender Island Farmers’ Market.

Fir Hill Farm, Barbara Johnstone Grimmer, 9915 Spalding Rd, Pender Island, BC V0N 2M3. (250) 222-3817.
E-mail: firhill@gmail.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirHillFarm/

The Gattiker Farm is a small family operation located in the beautiful Bulkley Valley, 20 km east of Smithers, BC. We believe in raising our beef naturally and pasturing them from spring until late fall. Our cows are fed home-grown, pesticide- and fertilizer-free hay during the winter months with a minimal amount of grain (less than 2 lbs/animal) fed to the weaned calves during the cold winter season.Our natural beef is free of antibiotics, growth hormones or other chemicals and we do not feed any animal by-products. Low stress handling and humane treatment of our cows result in very quiet animals who are content to roam our pastures and eat what nature intended them to.

We sell our beef by the side or quarter, as well as small amounts, depending on availability. All our products are government inspected. Please call us for our prices.

Gattiker Farm, Anika or Peter Gattiker, 14308 Bourgon Road, Telkwa BC V0J 2X2. (250) 846-5494.
E-mail: anika.gattiker@outlook.com.

Grass Root Dairies, formerly known as Gort’s Gouda Cheese Farm, opened its doors in 1983. We opened our doors making Gouda Cheese and Quark (a soft German-style cream cheese). As the years passed, we expanded into making Spiced Gouda, Maasdammer, and yogurt. Since 2009 we have been processing non-homogenized Grass-fed milk sold in 2-liter reusable glass bottles and 1-liter plastic bottles. We also sell chocolate milk with only 3 ingredients: milk, sugar and cocoa.

Our products are delivered to a variety of locations in the Shuswap, Okanagan, and the lower mainland of British Columbia. Our cheese is also shipped throughout the rest of Canada via Canada Post. (See our website to order on line)

All our products are 100% Grass Fed all year long and we use organic practices, but what makes our dairy products so special is that the milk comes from our very own Grass-fed Milking Shorthorns and Brown Swiss cows. The cows get 3 to 6 times more nutrients from grass, than milk from grain fed cows. The major fats present in Grass-fed cow’s milk are Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These are considered to be good Fats. Our cows are on Pasture from May until October. They are fed with Organic Hay raised on our own fields the rest of the year.

Customers are encouraged to come visit our Family Farm, roam around and visit our cows and calves, sample our products, or sit in our picnic area and enjoy a cheese snack and a piece of cheesecake or yogurt smoothie made with our own products in our kitchen.

Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm, Yolanda Gort-Tiller and Gary and Kathy Wikkerink, 1470-50th Street SW, Salmon Arm BC V1E 3B5. (250) 832-4274.
E-mail: grdairies@gmail.com. Website: www.grassrootdairies.com.

K & M Farms raises turkeys and chickens like your grandmother did—the natural way. Outdoors, on pasture, with no antibiotics, growth hormones, or meat by products. They are supplemented with a grain diet while they forage in the pasture.

Fresh pasture raised turkeys are available the week before Thanksgiving and the week before Christmas. Turkeys weigh from 16 pounds up to 30 pounds. Heavy roasting chickens are available fresh from June to October. Frozen chicken is available throughout the year as supply lasts.

Check our website for pictures and current prices.

K & M Farms, Mark Robbins, 28494 Maclure Road, Abbotsford BC V4X 1L4. (604) 857-8912. Fax: (604) 857-8916.
E-mail: kmfarms@shaw.ca. Website:http://www.kmfarms.ca/.

Laughing Valley is "dedicated to producing and supplying the most natural foods possible" and fostering "the restoration of natural fertility processes through biodiversity and no-till farming." In keeping with a Paleolithic or "instinctual" diet, no preservation is used other than drying at low temperatures.

Products available include pemmican (made from shredded dry beef, fat, and wild berries), and dried beef, lamb, chicken, and wild salmon. Stocks are very limited, "so show your interest in advance."

Laughing Valley, Jean-Claude Catry, 115 Forest Ridge Road, Salt Spring Island BC V8K 1W4. (250) 653-9122.
E-mail: instinct@saltspring.com.

Morningstar Farm and Little Qualicum Cheeseworks are situated on a beautiful 68 heritage farm just minutes from downtown Qualicum Beach and Parksville. We have a herd of about 60 dairy cows that we milk morning and evening. During the day, when the pastures are drier, our girls are happily grazing while our cheese makers are processing that day's milk into one of our award winning cheeses! They graze on our farm (weather permitting) and we supplement with alfalfa. We feed our cows approximately 8 pounds of grain per day.

You can watch them make cheese from one of our viewing windows. Come for a self guided tour or an organized group tour which includes a hay ride (weather permitting), informative stations around the farm and cheese tasting in our farm gate store.

Our store has our own home-grown pork and beef, free range eggs and lots of other farmy souvenirs. If you let us know a little further in advance, we could organize a party for you. Big or small, casual or out-door dining out on the front lawn, under the willow, down by the pond...sound peaceful?

Our hours of business are:

  • March 1st – June 30th (Mon-Sat): 9–5 PM (parties can stay longer!)
  • July 1st – August 31st (Mon-Sun): 9–6 PM
  • September 1st – December 31st (Mon – Sat): 9–5 PM

We are the only dairy farm in British Columbia that is SPCA certified. We believe that our cheese tastes the best if we feed our cows the best. You can find us at Thrifty's Foods, Edible Island, Whole Foods, Naked Naturals, and other fine delis and health conscious stores in B.C.

Morningstar Farm / Little Qualicum Cheeseworks, Nancy or Raymond Gourlay, 403 Lowry's Road, Parksville BC V9P 2B5, Canada. (877) 248-4353 or (250) 954-3931.
E-mail: info@cheeseworks.ca. Website: https://www.morningstarfarm.ca/.

Pasture to Plate is about providing meat that is good for you through happy livestock, abundant wildlife, happy people in a healthy environment, from our family to you and your family.

Our beef cattle are handled by low stress methods. Our mature grass-finished animals are not treated with antibiotics, chemical parasite control products, or growth promoting implants. No grain or animal by-products are fed to any of our ruminant animals. Pastures are free of herbicides, pesticides, or artificial fertilizers—the first step to ensuring that the meat you buy from us is a good choice.Predation of our livestock is discouraged with the help of guardian dogs. All meat is provincially inspected.

Beef is aged 21 to 30 days. Our meat is sold fresh-frozen and available year-round. Pricing F.O.B. Williams Lake, BC. Special cuts and pet food available upon request. Meet us at the annual farmers' markets during Vancouver market season. We also offer by mail order a 50-pound boxed selection of frozen meat to be shipped to your home!

Please visit us at our website.

Pasture to Plate, Jasmin and Felix Schellenberg, 1420 Commercial Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3X9. (604) 215-0050.
E-mail: info@pasturetoplate.ca. Website: https://pasturetoplate.ca/.

Sumas Mountain Farms is the only producer of 100% certified-organic, lifetime grass-fed & finished beef in the Lower Mainland of BC. We are also the only local producers of certified organic soy-free chicken, certified organic soy-free pastured pork, and certified organic soy-free eggs.

Our animals are raised on 100% certified-organic pastures in the heart of the Central Fraser Valley, Abbotsford. Our beef is dry-aged, and available in small or large quantities, by the cut. Our organic certification is through Fraser Valley Organic Producers Association. We also offer specialty products such as pepperoni, salami, breakfast sausage, farmer sausage, and more. Our layer chickens are in mobile chicken coops which are regularly moved around our pastures — meaning the hens have green pasture to forage on, year-round.

Sumas Mountain Farms is a family-owned farm, and our caring approach to the animals and the land results in beef, pork, chicken and eggs that are truly healthy. Our cows, pigs, and chickens are never confined, and they have vast mountain-top pasture-lands to forage on. Because our beef is 100% grass-fed & finished, the quality of the meat is exceptional, and the flavor is unsurpassed. Our pork is also delicious and filled with healthy nutrients, because the animals are raised outside, in the sunshine, on grass. Plus, our meat products are more nutrient-dense, and they are packed with healthful Omega-3's... all of which is healthier for you, your family, and the planet. You can place your order directly on our website, and pickup directly from our farm.

Sumas Mountain Farms, Kelly Newton, 32500 S Fraser Way #151-380, Abbotsford BC V2T 4W1. (604) 853-6333.
E-mail: info@sumasmountainfarms.ca. Website: http://www.sumasmountainfarms.ca.

Tatlayoko Fold produces grass fed Highland Cattle - this delicious beef is raised in the wild Tatlayoko Valley of British Columbia's Chilcotin region. No breed is better on the grassfed regime than the Highland! No beef is better tasting!

Cut and wrapped frozen highland beef is available for pick up at a central Vancouver location by arrangement, or in Williams Lake by arrangement. Fresh, never frozen sides (halves) also available by arrangement. No hormones, no routine low level antibiotics. Low stress, natural environment. Happy cows!

Tatlayoko Fold, Eliza Michell, Mare's Creek Ranch, PO Box 36, Tatlayoko Lake, BC V0L 1W0. (250) 476-1220.
E-mail: info@tatlayokofold.com. Website: http://www.tatlayokofold.com.

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McDonald Farm is a family owned and operated farm near Cartwright in southwestern Manitoba. We have been using Holistic Management to make decisions that benefit our land, our animals, and ourselves for almost 15 years.

We offer pastured pork from Berkshire pigs, an heirloom breed renowned for the exceptional taste and texture of their meat. We also have gourmet grass-fed lamb and beef available from animals that have been genetically selected for tenderness and flavor.

For many years now we have been enjoying these premium pork, beef and lamb products from our locally adapted animals which have grazed on our abundant pastures. All our animals are born and raised on pasture and rotated through our paddocks year-round with access to fresh water and lush, green grass. None of our animals have been exposed to any antibiotics, hormones, or unsanitary housing. We replicate nature and harvest the excess that nature provides in an ethical, humane way, always putting foremost the animal's health and comfort.

To purchase the best meat that you have ever tasted, please contact us and come see the happiest animals in the world as they live in our pastures, enjoying the lush grass and fresh air. Our products are also served at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

McDonald Farm, Wayne McDonald, Box 444, Cartwright MB R0K 0L0. (204) 523-2527.
E-mail: wayne@mcdonaldfarm.ca. Website: www.mcdonaldfarm.ca.

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New Brunswick

Ferme Bourque Red Angus Farm has raised cattle since 1938. Fed exclusively on natural grasses and legumes, and are free of all hormones and antibiotics. Buying direct from our farm allows you to know exactly where your beef is coming from and how it is treated, from our pastures to your table.

Our Angus beef is dry aged for flavour and tenderness, cut and wrapped in a local, provincially inspected abattoir. Our beef is available in halves, quarters and 1/2 quarters.

We are located 30 minutes from Moncton, and we deliver. We would be interested in delivering in the St-John and Frediricton area to supply buying clubs. We normally start selling in early fall and early spring.

Ferme Bourque Red Angus Farm, Jean Bourque or Gilles Bourque, 1569 Rue Principale, Memramcook NB E4K 2T1. Jean: (902) 664-8971 or Gilles: (506) 866-5176.
E-mail: info@grassfednb.ca. Website: www.grassfednb.ca.

Nova Scotia

Bountywoods Farm is a small family farm located in the heart of the beautiful Annapolis Valley.

We produce chickens, turkeys, and pork on pasture with supplemental organic grains; all grass-fed beef; sun-ripened vegetables grown from landrace and heirloom seeds; berries, herbs, and naturally grown cut flowers.

We’re constantly working to increase the diversity and health of the ecosystem under our stewardship, knowing the result is nutrient density in the products and better health for all.

Products are available at our small farm store, and we have pick-up spots across the Halifax area. Permaculture farm tours are also available.

Bountywoods Farm, 4876 Brooklyn Street, Somerset, NS, B0P 1E0. 902-538-4318
E-mail: marvin@bountywoodsfarm.ca. Website: https://www.bountywoodsfarm.ca/.

Holdanca Farms is a family run farm located on the North Shore of Nova Scotia. We have been using the benefits of pasture to improve our land and provide healthy meat products of the highest quality to our customers since 1995. We presently offer grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured pork, free range eggs (pastured in the summer), free range chicken and turkey (licensed through provincial poultry boards).

All of our meats are processed in government inspected facilities (our poultry are done on-farm). We make our own sausages, and our products are all vacuum packed to maintain freshness. All meats are available by the cut as well as in larger volumes for wholesale. We have a small store on-farm, and do regular deliveries to Truro and Halifax.

Call or email us if you have any questions!

Holdanca Farms LTd., John Duynisveld, 12628 Highway 6, Wallace, NS B0K 1Y0. (902) 257-1871.
E-mail: j.duynisveld@ns.sympatico.ca. Website: www.holdanca.ca.

Wild Mountain Farm is a small grass farm owned and operated by Lance Bishop up on Nova Scotia's beautiful North Mountain, near Wolfville. Lance produces quality 100% grass-fed beef and 100% grass-fed lamb.

The farm does not use chemical fertilizers, livestock growth hormones, or antibiotic feeds. The production philosophy is guided by mother nature and the animal husbandry is based on kindness, comfort, and respect.

Lance sells his products at the exciting Wolfville Farmers' Market every Saturday morning. You can use the online custom order sheet to build yourself a freezer order or shop at the Farmers' Market for individual cuts.

The farm also provides a meat CSA buying club program with monthly box drop-offs in the Halifax area and other locations across the province.

Wild Mountain Farm, Lance Bishop, 8 Old Baxter's Mill Road, RR#5 Canning, Nova Scotia, Canada B0P 1H0. (902) 582-1208.
E-mail: lance@wildmountain.ca. Website: www.wildmountain.ca.

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4 Ponds FarmSee below

Beaver Vale Farms is a family run operation that has been in our family since 1849. We are dedicated to providing our customers with high quality Grass Fed Beef. Our cattle are exclusively pasture fed and in the winter eat hay and haylage. Our animals receive no antibiotics, growth hormones or GMOs. Our pastures receive no pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

The animals are processed locally at a provincially inspected abattoir and are dry-aged for 21 days for superior flavour and tenderness. We sell meat in quarters, halves, whole and smaller family packs.

We are located 30 minutes north of Toronto and would welcome your visit, but please call ahead.

Beaver Vale Farms, Craig and Wenda Lea Wilcox, 4736 8th Line RR#1, Beeton Ontario L0G 1A0. 1-647-984-0916.
E-mail: beavervale@gmail.com. Website: www.BeaverVale.ca.

Beretta Farms is a family-run farm business committed to providing certified organic and naturally raised meats to people who are concerned not only about what they eat but also about the health and well being of the earth.

On our farms we use No chemicals, genetically modified organisms, or artificial fertilizers in our cropping. Our animals are free from antibiotics, growth promoters, they are never used in the raising of our livestock.

We are proud to offer a unique product of "Grass Only Beef," the beef are raised entirely on grass. The cattle grown for the "Grass Only Beef" have the distinction of never having eaten anything other than forages (pasture grasses and hay). This exceptional product comes from cattle raised their whole lives on grass and hay, never having even tasted grain.

Beretta offers retail and wholesale delivery in the province of Ontario. Our website offers our clients an easy way to find information on our farm and products. Clients can also order online for their weekly deliveries.

Beretta Farms Inc., Cynthia Beretta, 4400 15th Sd Road, King City, Ontario L7B 1K4. (416) 674-5609.
E-mail: info@berettafarms.com. Website: www.berettafarms.com.

Century Game Park has been a family farm since 1837, five generations taking a diversified approach to farming. Inspired by a book called "Grassland" by Richard Manning, we believe that the bison and elk can provide an abundance of food naturally raised for taste and tenderness.

A holistic approach to farming allows us to utilize the grassland to its highest potential and bring forth a harvest of quality meat products that everyone can enjoy. Not only do the bison produce fine food, but leather products as well such as gloves and moccasins.

Tours of the farm are available from May 24th until October 31st. Enjoy a trip through the herds as calves frolic and play. Bring buffalo back home to your table tonight. Encourage the rebuilding of the original cattle by enjoying them.

Century Game Park, Rod Potter, 460 Concession Road, Warkworth Ontario K0K 3K0. (705) 924-3019.
E-mail: potter@centurygamepark.com. Website: www.centurygamepark.com.

Dragonfly Garden Farm — see Farm Queen Foods below

Echo Valley Ranch produces healthy, tasty, 100% grass fed beef.

Our beef is raised on the rich grasses grown on 1st class farmland. They are handled in a low stress manner, and we only harvest in the Fall when the meat is at its prime. These 3 factors ensure that our meat is tender, tasty, as well as healthy.

We take custom freezer orders for quarters, halves, wholes, or smaller box orders of 10–30 lbs. Farm tours are available by appointment.

Please visit our website for more information on our philosophies, farming practices, and products.

Echo Valley Ranch, Brad and Donna Martin, 7074 Side Road 15, RR#2 Moorefield, Ontario N0G 2K0. (519) 638-5951.
E-mail: bdmartin@bell.net. Website: http://evrgrassfed.com/.

Fairchild Farm raises grassfed beef in a natural environment. Our cattle are on pasture all summer and feed on hay all winter—no grains or corn. We are not certified organic but use no hormones or other chemicals. We believe in giving the animals a stress free and comfortable life and in return they convert grass and other plants into food for us all its a perfect system.

Please visit our website for ordering information and pictures. We sell all year, but more through the winter. We also sell halves and quarters and special orders.Thanks, Richard and Fiona Porter.

Fairchild Farm, Richard and Fiona Porter, 2091 Concession #8 West, RR#1, Cambridge ON N1R 552.
E-mail: fairchildfarm@yahoo.ca. Website: www.fairchildfarm.com.

Farm Queen Foods’ 100% grass-fed beef, free-range pork and poultry (chicken, duck, and turkey), are raised using organic, ecological, regenerative, and sustainable farming principles.

Our animals live outside on pasture, eating various native grasses and plants. Proactive animal management practices, fresh air, green grass, and regular housekeeping, allows us to raise a nice variety of animals on a small scale.

All our animals are given free choice to decide when they go outside, eat, drink or sleep. We provide clean and comfortable housing and ensure our farm practices are respectful of each animal, the land we farm, and the environment.

We offer two kinds of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture): monthly deliveries or one big fall delivery. Offered all year long, we grow to ensure you have fresh meat to enjoy. We also offer many sizes of Beef & Pork Samplers, custom processing, and Local Meat Samplers with a small sample of beef, pork and chicken for first time grass-fed meat eaters.

Farm Tours are always welcome.

It would be our pleasure to be your farmer AND your supplier for animal feed, and mineral and natural health supplements. Proud to be your HALMA Organics Feed Dealer.

Farm Queen Foods, Cindy Boyd, 316743 Highway 6, Chatsworth, Ontario N0H 1G0. (519) 794-0471.
Email: info@farmqueenfoods.ca. Website: https://farmqueenfoods.ca.

4 Ponds Farm is where the Probst Family maintains a purebred herd of Scottish Highland cattle. They are grass-fed and naturally raised without hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. This breed is very well adapted and has been kept true to form since recorded history, never loosing their ability to thrive on grass alone. Furthermore, studies show that Highland beef is lower in fat and cholesterol and higher in protein and iron than other beef. The result is richly flavoured and well-marbled beef.

Our beef is dry aged for 21 days and is cut and wrapped to your specifications by the half, and is picked up locally in the Cambridge area. Our animals are generally 18 months old or younger and the sides weigh from 175 to 275 pounds.

The animals are available in the fall after the pasture season. We do take orders all year long due to a limited supply. We sometimes have a half available from our freezer, as well as hamburger by the pound all year long. Occasionally we have whole frozen Muscovy ducks, raised free-range where they get a significant part of their diet from insects and grass.

4Ponds Farm, Fred and Anne Probst, RR#1, Drumbo Ontario N0J 1G0. (519) 463-5335.
E-mail: probst.highland@gmail.com. Website: https://4pondsfarm.ca/.

Greenbelt Farm is an “unconventional farm” in this region, employing ecological principles of land management and a holistic approach to raising livestock.

From May until November, our beef cattle are rotationally grazed on 35 acres of permanent pasture. Through the winter months they eat organically grown hay, supplemented with free-choice minerals. They always have access to the great outdoors as well as cozy shelter with clean, dry straw. Our animals receive no grain, no antibiotics, no hormones, no GMO feeds. They receive only grass, hay, minerals, clean water, and loving care.

Our animals are registered "American Milking Devons,” descendents of the original North Devons of England. A true triple purpose breed, they are renowned for their production of rich milk and well-marbled beef on grass alone; as well as their abilities as draft animals. In addition to raising breeding stock, we have available in season high quality grass-fed beef by the 45-pound mixed box.

We take advanced orders for our beef, so please contact us regarding our next availability and for ordering details. Visit our website for more information and photos of our animals and our farm. We welcome visitors to meet our beautiful Devon herd. Please contact us in advance in order to arrange a visit.

Greenbelt Farm, John Drummond, 5901 Perth Line 44 RR#5, Mitchell, Ontario, N0K 1N0 Canada. (519) 347-2725.
E-mail: greenbeltfarm@quadro.net. Website: www.devonside.ca.

Kitley Beef Farm is located on 100 acres about one hour southwest of Ottawa near the town of Smiths Falls. We have about 50 Rhode Island Red laying hens which we bought as day old chicks. The eggs are available for pickup at the farm gate. Call ahead for availability and price if making a special trip.

They have been fed certified organic feed since birth. From spring to fall they are outside following our beef cattle around the pastures in the "Joel Salatin" method.

Our pastures are free from any herbicides, fungicides or pesticides. We use no drugs, vaccines or hormones. We use no fertilizers. The cattle fertilize as they move through the pastures. We don’t even have an ATV or a tractor (yet). All inspections are done on foot.

We don’t seed pastures with purchased seed. There are possibly 100 different plants growing and reseeding naturally (even milkweed for the Monarchs), the ultimate salad bar. We divide the pasture into paddocks with moveable fences. Twice a day the cattle move to a new paddock so that they always have fresh grass to eat. Every couple days we move the hens to keep up to the cattle.

Kitley Beef Farm, Rudy Haveman, 422 Kitley Line 3, Toledo, Ontario, Canada K0E 1Y0. (613) 275-0402.
E-mail: rudyhaveman@gmail.com. Website: none.

Rosedene Acres is located in the heart of the Niagara Region, within the wine and fruit belt. We raise a herd of purebred Irish Kerry Beef Cattle and half-breeds well adapted to flourish on a natural pasture of various grasses and legumes.

Our animals do not receive hormones or sub-therapeutic antibiotics. They are free from stress such as overcrowding, permanent indoor housing, or long shipping distances which decrease health, and in turn the quality of their meat. They are allowed free range of various pastures, hay, and shelter. Even in winter months, our animals have free choice to roam inside or outside the barns.

Come October/November after the pastures are finished, our animals are generally 15 - 21 months old. Hanging sides weigh-in at approximately 225lbs. Sides or quarters are frozen and can be picked up at a local butcher shop. Deliveries can be arranged. A limited number of animals are processed each season. Please contact us for more information or to be put on our waiting list.

Rosedene Acres, 1929 Rosedene Road, St. Anns, Ontario L0R 1Y0. (905) 957-4924.
E-mail: info@rosedeneacres.ca. Website: www.rosedeneacres.ca..

Stone Horse Farm offers pasture-raised heritage pork by the cut and the side.

Since beginning our farm in 2003, we have earned recognition for quality meat with delicate marbling and satisfying flavour. In addition to pasture, our pigs are 100% locally fed with buttermilk, brewers barley, artisanal sourdough bread, and seasonal harvests of apples, pumpkins and carrots.

We welcome visitors by appointment.

Stone Horse Farm, Lisa Peterson, 3869 7th Line, Innisfil, ON L9S 3M4. (705) 241-7772.
E-mail: stonehorsefarm@yahoo.ca. Website: www.stonehorse.farm.

Twin Creeks Farm and Garden is the farm of Gerald and Shari-Lynn te Velde and boys, Ian, Joshua, Lukas, Aaron, and Seth. We use organic and sustainable growing methods and our farm and our produce is "Certified Naturally Grown" (http://www.naturallygrown.org/ ).

All livestock, hay, grains and vegetables grown at Twin Creeks are primarily heritage breeds and varieties with absolutely NO pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, or GMO technology. We offer grass fed beef (no grain), grass fed lamb (no grain), grass-fed pork (supplemented with our naturally grown grain and milk from our grass fed cows), eggs from our grass-fed chickens, and grass-fed chicken and turkey (supplemented with our naturally grown grain).

Our beef, lamb, and pork are available by the cut, primarily vacuum packed, and in small quantities. Our grass-fed chicken, turkey and eggs are currently available in limited quantities directly from our farm only, due to provincial marketing board regulations. All produce are available at our farm from Monday–Saturday.

Please call for the availability of all our products and to make sure we are available. We also sell our produce at 3 farmer's markets: Meaford, Collingwood, and Trinity Bellwoods (Toronto). Visit our website for more information.

Twin Creeks Farm and Garden, Gerald and Shari-Lynn te Velde, 205045 Highway #26, RR 8, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5W4. (519) 538-4704.
E-mail: info@twincreeksfarm.ca. Website: www.twincreeksfarm.ca.

Vibrant Farms has been certified organic (Pro-Cert) for our crops and livestock production for over 35 years and is located just 10 minutes outside of the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Our beef animals are grass fed and finished and are not given any corn, hormones, antibiotics, vaccinations or GMOs. This is a “closed herd” farm where calves are born and raised on the farm and no animals are brought in from other locations.

We primarily offer bulk freezer beef packages in various sizes and price ranges year-round. The most affordable option is to purchase a quarter, side or whole animal, but we also offer smaller mixed cut packages and individual cuts. It is our pleasure to work with you to customize a package that best suits the size of your household, freezer capacity, and budget.

In addition to beef, we also offer bulk pork packages, chicken and turkey. All humanely raised the same standards of care and attention as the beef.

All orders are pre-ordered online through our website and picked up at the farm or delivered for a fee.

Visit our website for pricing and details about how we farm and care for our land and animals in a humane and sustainable manner.

Vibrant Farms, Katie Baer, 2669 Carmel Koch Road, Baden, ON N3A 3R9. (519) 957-9681.
E-mail: orders@vibrantfarms.com. Website: www.vibrantfarms.com.

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Miracle Farms is a no-spray apple orchard which maximizes the sun's bounty by using the lush grass to grow sheep and pastured fowl. The land has been in trees and grass for 20 years, the last 10 using permaculture principles. Lamb, turkey, chicken and guinea fowl are available in fall in limited quantities. Spring orders are best. Fall meat deliveries are combined with fresh frozen apple juice deliveries.

Lamb is sold whole (approximately 50 pounds of meat) half or quarter sampler packs. Turkey is available as whole (10-15 pounds) or half birds. The best time to visit the farm is during apple season or for spring and summer mechouis (lamb roasts.)

Miracle Farms, Stefan and Doreen Sobkowiak, 1713 Leclair, Verdun QC. (514) 830-9640.
E-mail: miraclefarms@videotron.ca.

Moylinny Farm is a small family run farm which has the distinction of being the closest working farm to Parliament Hill. Our Hereford beef cattle are grass fed and naturally raised.

The cattle live as herbivores were meant to, outdoors, eating grass and hay that is grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Our animals do not receive any animal by-products, growth hormones or antibiotics.

At Moylinny Farm we are committed to land stewardship and raise our animals with land sustainability in mind. We raise what our pastures and hay fields will support naturally, without the use of chemicals to force extra growth.

The farm is located directly adjacent to Gatineau Park, a 361 square kilometre refuge for hundreds of species of birds, mammals and plants. Moylinny Farm provides an important corridor for wildlife in an ever increasing sea of suburbia. The domestic and wild animals co-exist.

We sell our beef by the whole animal, side or quarter. We offer custom cutting on all orders.

Please see our website for ordering and custom cutting information. Orders are taken in the fall and on occasion at other times of year.

Reford Beef at Moylinny Farm, Stephanie Reford, 1299 ch de la Montagne, Gatineau QC J9J 3S3. (819) 827-3594.
E-mail: reford@videotron.ca. Website: www.refordbeef.ca.


Bennett Beef markets pasture-finished beef.

The Bennetts, like most grassfarmers, practice "management intensive grazing." Their farm is divided into 50 separate fields called "paddocks," which allows the animals to be rotated every day or so to clean, fresh grass. This "pulsed" grazing helps create optimum growth of the grass.

The meat is harvested in October and is available in halves or in smaller quantities by arrangement. Orders are taken throughout the year. "We encourage you to place your order early to avoid disappointment."

Bennett Beef, Box 60, Meacham, SK S0K 2V0. (306) 944-4340.

Daleview Farm is located in the middle of grain-growing country in Saskatchewan, but the Dales valiantly produce grassfed beef, pork and poultry.

"We're really bucking the tide." They first started pasturing their animals many years ago as a way to cut costs. Then they began to notice the many benefits to the animals and to their own health. Now they are committed grassfarmers with a holistic approach to ranching.

Most of the meat is available in the fall only. Beef is available in halves or whole carcasses.

Daleview Farm, John and Karen Dale, Box 75, Meacham SK S0K 2V0. (306) 944-4241.

K2 Elk Company has been raising grass-fed Elk since 2001.

Our animals are managed on pastures year-round. They are rotationally grazed in summer, and supplemented with hay on pasture in winter. During winter we provide portable windbreaks for shelter. Our Elk are raised without hormones or antibiotics. We do not feed grain, animal byproducts, or processed feeds. We do not use pesticides on our pastures or hayfields. When handling the animals, we use low stress techniques that are proven and very effective.

New season product is available in August. The animals are processed at a new provincially inspected facility, a short distance from where they are raised. Products include jerky, sausage, hamburgers, steaks and roasts.

Ranch tours are welcome.

K2 Elk Company, Lorne and Donna Klein, 195 Ash Drive, Weyburn SK S4H 0S3. (306) 842-7120. E-mail: d.klein@sasktel.net.

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Page last updated 9/29/2024.

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