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Pastured Products Directory – New Mexico


The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:

Cimarron Angus direct markets grass-fat lamb. The lambs are sold right off the ewes and weigh 115–125 pounds. They are sold live or processed from July through September. We use no creep feed or grain for either the ewes or lambs.

Our farm is located in northeastern New Mexico, very close to Interstate 25. The lambs are a new enterprise for Cimarron Angus. For the past several years, our main focus has been direct marketing their open replacement Angus heifers.

Cimarron Angus, Bill and Barbie Goebel, RR 1, Box 41, Maxwell NM 87728. (575) 375-2972.


Coonridge Organic Goat Cheese is a small, family-run dairy in the "wilds of New Mexico." We free-range our goats on hardy high desert browse plants. We have been Certified Organic by the New Mexico Organic Commodities Commission since 1998. We are producer/processor #133.

GRAIN FREE since 2006, university testing verifies our goat cheeses have more than 3 times as much CLA as other tested goat cheeses. Our cheese is naturally preserved in organic oils with spices and is available retail in New Mexico. We also mail order.

Look for us at New Mexico's Wine shows, Memorial, 4th of July and Labor Day Weekends. We also sample and sell at Craft Shows throughout the Southwest.

COVID UPDATE: The farm is not accepting visitors and is not in production until more people are vaccinated, but we are seeking interns. Please email for more information.

Coonridge Organic Goat Cheese, Nancy Coonridge, 47 Coonridge Dairy, Pie Town NM 87827. (888) 410-8433.
E-mail: wildsofnewmexico@yahoo.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoonridgeOrganicGoatCheese.

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GrassRoots Meats is committed to supplying all-natural grass-finished, hormone and antibiotic free beef and lamb, as well as organic free-range chicken, to health and quality conscious individuals who desire an enjoyable and flavorful alternative to standard commodity meat products.

From birth until market our animals breathe fresh clean air, graze on lush green grass, and drink crystal clear water. Our business is built on the foundation of placing God and family first, and maintaining honesty and integrity throughout all phases of our operation. We like to think of our customers as friends and partners, and we want you to feel comfortable about buying your meat from someone you know and trust. Your comments and questions are welcome.

GrassRoots Meats is located in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. Our meat is available year-round and is shipped in thermal lined freezer boxes. We can ship quite reasonably via UPS Ground throughout the western United States, but we can also ship UPS Second Day Air to anywhere in the continental U.S. Your meat will arrive still frozen and ready to put into your freezer.

Our meat is dry-aged and USDA inspected. Select the individual retail cuts that you want or choose from one of our many packages, including wholes, halves, and quarters. The meat is vacuum packed, in stock, and ready to ship. For more information, or to order our delicious meat, please visit our website. For references be sure to check out the testimonials posted on our website.

GrassRoots Meats warehouse: 140 Seminole, Unit 8, Pagosa Springs, CO. Ranch and mailing address: 945 CR 973, Ignacio, CO, 81137. (970) 582-0166.
E-mail: grassrootsmeats.colo@gmail.com. Website: www.grassrootsmeats.com.

Harold Koehn Grass-Fed Beef. We are a small family farm on the Texas/New Mexico state line, raising grass fed-finished Devon/Red Angus cross cattle since 2009. They graze on native pasture in the summer and use winter annuals (fodder) with free choice hay plus access to stockpiled grass the rest of the year.

Our focus is to build soil health; therefore, we use no chemicals on our pastures. Our cattle are raised from birth to market in a gentle stress-free way with no grain, antibiotics, or added growth hormones. We use adaptive management grazing to give the cattle the best choice of grass, practicing this since 1996.

We calve in the spring when the grass greens up to match the grass quality with the needs of the momma cow when calving. The beef is 22–26 months old when ready to be processed, which is done in our local State facility or a local USDA Texas facility. They are available in halves or as a whole beef, which is the most reasonable priced way for your family. By USDA standards, our beef has been rated as Choice.

Call for availability of our grass-finished, flavorful, tender beef.

Harold Koehn, 13034 FM 296, Texline, Texas 79087. 806-333-2043
Email: hkgrassfarmer75@gmail.com.

JX Ranch raises your grass-fed, grass-finished, and 21-days dry-aged lean beef from birth to consumption. They are never fed any grains or corn and do not receive added growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids, animal bi-products, or insecticides.

Our cattle graze their entire lives on our native pastures managed using holistic range management principles. We handle them slowly and quietly, which reduces stress that could affect the quality of your meat. We harvest them at 12–17 months, which results in lean, tender and flavorful meat without all the fat of a more mature animal.

For great savings and to keep your freezer stocked, order your custom-cut quarter, half or whole beef starting at $8 per pound. This price includes everything: lifelong grazing on our ranch, transportation to the butcher (we pay the butcher, you do not), 3 weeks dry-aging, all cuts packaged and individually labeled, and, if you live in New Mexico, free delivery in the fall to Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Edgewood (near Albuquerque) or Alamogordo.

If freezer space is limited, try a 10–30 pound Beef Pack which ships UPS. We deliver these year-round to various locations throughout New Mexico.

My husband Tom and I own and operate the 7,000-acre JX Ranch in eastern New Mexico, along the rugged escarpment known as the Caprock. We are proud recipients of the following grazing awards:

  • Society for Range Management Excellence in Range Management Award
  • Holistic Management International Grazing Award
  • Goodyear/NACD Conservation Awards – Award of Merit for Outstanding Accomplishments in Resource Conservation.

Try JX Ranch Natural Beef and join our satisfied customers!

“There is a reason that I drive 450 miles for your beef. Your beef is simply the very best tasting grass fed beef that I have ever had. And believe me, I have searched for beef of equal quality in both Arizona and Oregon, but nothing can match your beef. Incredibly good flavor. Every time I cook even a hamburger, I am just amazed at how much better the flavor is than other beef I have had."

“Mimi, I’m glad I remembered to re-order before you were sold out. I sure loved the beef I purchased last year and can’t thank you enough for continuing to provide such a good and important product. I like eating healthy and have tried other grass fed beef but none that compares to yours.”

JX Ranch Natural Beef, Mimi Sidwell, 6237 Highway 209, Tucumcari NM 88401. (575) 403-6904.
E-mail: info@leannaturalbeef.com. Website: https://leannaturalbeef.com/.

L6 Cattle Ranches is a family-owned beef cattle ranch located in the beautiful rolling grasslands of central New Mexico near Corona.

L6 Cattle Ranches welcomes with enthusiasm everyone seeking a healthy alternative to grain-fed beef in the feedlots. Our ranch respectfully allows the cattle to graze naturally rotating between large pastures. This process assures new grass growth and helps to control insect life cycle. The animals are allowed to live healthy happy lives, which results in beef full of Omega 3 fatty acid and beef that are not contaminated by acid tolerant e-coli. Our calves are free of antibiotics, hormones.

Our product is offered year round on a limited basis. We offer half and full beef. Selected steers are delivered to Fort Sumner Processing with instructions from our customers. Our beef is dry-aged and processed ready for local pickup at the processor or delivery nationwide utilizing FedEx.

For more information on our ranch, visit our website or send us an E-mail.

L6 Cattle Ranches, Bill Leibold or Sharie Leibold, 216 Robinson Ranch Road, Corona NM 88318. (575) 849-0006.
E-mail: manager@L6cattleranches.com. Website: www.L6cattleranches.com.

ME Cattle, LLC. – From our Family’s Range to Your Table

As sixth generation ranchers in Southeastern Arizona, we make it our priority to raise superior quality range-raised beef. Our cow/calf operation passed down through the ages allows us to trace back our herd over 100 years earlier to the original cattle ranch purchased by our family who came here by wagon from Texas in the early 1900s. This means that not only are we claiming quality on “this beef,” but on a long line of cattle over the generations.

We strive to uphold integrity in the beef we raise by keeping our cattle free of antibiotics, steroids, hormones and corn, and allow them to live in a low-stress environment of sunshine and plentiful feed. Our cattle are fed off the land from native grasses that have been untreated or tampered with.

Because of the strong immune systems these cows develop being in their natural element, consuming a large variety of grasses, plants, weeds, and browse acceptable to their pallet and beneficial to their diet, and dwelling with equally healthy cattle also means that not only are antibiotics not used but not needed! These things make up what we like to call, the range-raised difference.

We are committed to serving you a better beef for a better way of living!

Range Raised • USDA Inspected Processing • Locally Grown and Raised

ME CATTLE, LLC., Chance and Iliana Smith, 6981 E Hwy 80, Portal, AZ 85632. (520) 780-4345.
E-mail: rangeraised@gmail.com. Website: www.mecattle.com.

Ortiz Ranch is a small family-owned and operated business located about 140 miles east of Albuquerque. We specialize in selling grass-fed natural beef (on-the-hoof) to quality-minded customers in the area. If you have neither a trailer to haul the animal nor arrangements for butchering, for additional cost we can take care of these tasks for you by transporting the animal to a licensed processing facility nearby. Then you can arrange to pick up the frozen labeled packaged meat from the processor, or for additional cost, we can deliver the meat to you.

These steers are healthy and wholesome—no crowded feedlots, no antibiotics or growth hormones—they are relaxed free range pasture-fed animals. The meat is absolutely delicious. We believe that after you have bought one, you will want to purchase another one each year for your annual supply of beef. We ask prospective customers to call or e-mail us about prices and specific arrangements. We will reply to e-mail inquiries with a copy of our details and price list.

We also sell farm-fresh eggs, and small quantities of garden produce in season.

Ortiz Ranch, William and Joan Ortiz, HC 67, Box 9, Newkirk NM 88431. (505) 868-9625 home, (505) 799-8108 cell.
E-mail: info@ortizranch.com. Website: www.ortizranch.com.

The Pino Creek Ranch is committed to raising the best possible pasture-raised black Angus beef by focusing on animal welfare from birth to the plate.

Our beef is raised naturally, never fed grain, and free of growth hormones and antibiotics. Our cows and calves are always on pasture, never penned or in a feed lot, and have good grass to graze through management-intensive rotational grazing and a low stocking rate.

We sell “on the Hoof” and take orders for ¼, ½ or whole beef. On a limited basis we do have 20 lb. variety packs available. Our beef is dry-aged 14 to 21 days for tenderness and robust flavor.

We only sell what we breed and raise on the ranch. We try to make this a personal and positive shopping experience for you and will support you in every step of the process to ensure you fullest satisfaction.

Farm fresh, free-range eggs are also available year-round and sold from the ranch.

You are welcome to visit our ranch prior to purchasing; we can even provide overnight accommodations – Make an appointment for a farm tour and come see us.

Pino Creek Ranch, Martin and Margrit Honegger, HC67 Box 40, Newkirk NM 88431. (575) 641-5282.
E-mail: info@nmgrassfedbeef.com. Website: www.nmgrassfedbeef.com.

Pollo Real/Real Chicken raises chickens that are grassfed using rotational grazing methods that build healthy soils, preserve water, and do not pollute the air, soil, or water. The birds are moved daily on fresh grasses with fresh air and sunshine.

The chickens are available year round as whole fryers, whole roasters, and cut-up fryers. We offer cut-up parts with whole chicken orders. The chicken can be shipped by UPS or priority mail. Order by visiting their website or by calling the number below.

Pollo Real/Real Chicken, Tom Delehanty, 108 Hope Farms Road, Socorro NM 87801. (505) 838-0345.
E-mail: realbutchershop@gmail.com. Website: www.polloreal.com/.

Red Barn Ranch is located just north of Las Vegas, New Mexico, where the prairie meets the mountains. From conception to harvest, our beef cows live happy, low-stress lives, growing and fattening on green grass, blue sky, sunshine, and pure water. The young cattle are ultrasounded to ensure they meet our standards for marbling and tenderness in the finished product. We do not feed them any grain and they are hormone and antibiotic free.

We strive to continually improve the grass, soil, water, and complete ecosystem with rotational, regenerative grazing and management. Retail individual cuts and ground beef are available at the ranch, Semilla Whole Foods, and Mallettes Farm Store in Las Vegas, and El Dorado Farmer's Market on Friday afternoons.

If you have freezer space, buy a quarter of young, grass­finished animal, we will haul it and pay processing and deliver it to you. It will be approximately 100 pounds of local, natural beef in your freezer for $9.00/pound. We produce year-round, but quarter bundles need to be reserved a couple months in advance.

Grass-fattened Beef — one of the most nutritionally dense foods. Come out and see the cows!

Red Barn Ranch, Daniel & Deborah, Luke & Megan, and Nathan Unruh, 525 NM 518, Las Vegas, NM 87701. 505-426-4892.
E-mail: redbarnranch599@gmail.com. Website: https://www.redbarnranchbeef.com/.


Shepherd's Lamb is a family operation that grows Certified Organic lamb in the old tradition, moving with the seasons. This allows the ewes and lambs access to fresh feed at all times and ensures the long-term good health of the range.

Lambs are born on the spring range, and then the band is trailed to high mountain pastures where they graze all summer on lush native mountain grasses, forbs, and shrubs.

Our product is available year round in limited quantities. We sell whole, half or individual cuts of lamb at Farmers Markets, to natural food stores, and to restaurants in New Mexico, and by mail order to anywhere else! Orders can be placed by phone or e-mail. See our website for more details.

Shepherd's Lamb, Antonio and Molly Manzanares, PO Box 307, Tierra Amarilla NM 87575. (505) 795-3671.
E-mail: shepherd@organiclamb.com Website: www.organiclamb.com.

Updates posted to page 9/30/2024.

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Beyond the Farm

New Mexico Markets, Restaurants, Stores & Buying Clubs that feature grass-fed products

by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

NY Times Bestseller
by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

Eating on the Wild Side


Pasture Perfect
by Jo Robinson

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