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Pastured Products Directory – Rhode Island


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The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact them directly for additional information or to buy their products:

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BOTL Farm is a pasture-based, sustainability-focused livestock farm in northeast Connecticut (also known as the “Quiet Corner” of Connecticut) raising pigs, lambs, goats, and chickens.

All our animals are Animal Welfare Approved, and our sheep and goats are Certified Grassfed by A Greener World.

Situated on 41 acres of transitional silvopasture, we designed and developed our regenerative farm so that our animals can express their natural behaviors. We use intensively managed rotational grazing methods, where the animals live on pasture all year long and are never confined; they breed according to their natural cycles and birth unassisted on pasture, plus they have the room to explore and interact with their surroundings. Rotationally grazed animals improve the quality and fertility of the land, not to mention their meat tastes exceptional!

We grow heritage breed animals that thrive in our New England climate of hot summers/cold winters. These older breeds also have flavor, nutrition, and fat quality that have been lost in industrial farming.

Pork: Our pigs (pork) are Mangalitsa/Berkshire/Large Black crosses. They are fed soy-free, corn-free, non-GMO, certified-organic feed. Frozen and vacuum sealed cuts of pork and bulk boxes are available year-round.

Lamb and Goat: Our Icelandic sheep and Kiko goats are only fed grass. Typically harvested in the fall, frozen and vacuum sealed cuts of lamb and goat are available until they run out.

Chicken and Eggs: Our chicken flock consists of several breeds of brown-egg and green-egg laying hens. They are fed soy-free, corn-free, non-GMO, certified-organic feed. Multicolored eggs are available year-round and stew birds are harvested in the winter.

We sell directly to customers at our farm and assorted farmers markets year-round; see our website for details and to order online.

BOTL Farm, Nick Weinstock, Danielle Larese, 859 Westford Road, Ashford, CT 06278. 908-268-3192.
E-mail: nick@BOTLFarm.com. Website: https://BOTLFarm.com.

Devon Point Farm in North Stonington, Connecticut is committed to providing delicious, antibiotic- and hormone-free grass fed, grass finished, pastured BEEF and all-natural heritage breed PORK.

See our website for details and pricing on all of the following:

Our grass fed BEEF: We raise our cattle on pasture using rotational grazing and sustainable farming practices. They have access to fresh clean water, trace minerals, and round-baled hay during the winter months. Cattle are grown and finished on grass and hay only – no grain, no antibiotics and no hormones. Compared to grain-fed beef, grass fed beef has less total fat, less saturated fat, less cholesterol, and fewer calories. It also has more vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and a number of health-promoting fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and “conjugated linoleic acid” (CLA) than grain-fed beef. The beef is humanely slaughtered and butchered under USDA supervision, dry-aged for 10–14 days, clear plastic shrink-wrapped, labeled, and frozen. For sale at our Farm as half beef, quarter beef, sampler boxes and by the individual cut.

Our PORK: Heritage breed, all natural, with no hormones or antibiotics. They are fed a robust diet of vegetable scraps from our all-natural (chemical-free) vegetables, and supplemented with grain as needed. It is humanely slaughtered and butchered under USDA supervision and custom cut to your specifications. For sale at our Farm by the individual cut, or by half or whole.

We also raise heritage “ruby red” American Milking Devon cattle for sale as breedstock.

Devon Point Farm, Erick and Patty Taylor, 54 Jeremy Hill Road, North Stonington CT 06359. 860-942-6292.
E-mail: devonpointfarm@gmail.com. Website: www.devonpointfarm.com.

Gray Rock Farm, in Tiverton, R.I. just west of the Massachusetts state line, is a 50-acre family-owned farm since 1923. We are now raising grass fed Herford/Angus beef on managed, rotated pastures using no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or antibiotics.

Winter feed is homegrown hay or haylage from our hayfields. To promote healthy soil and animals, we use mostly organic practices at this time, but we are not organic certified.

Sales are made by appointment on availability. Processing is done at a USDA approved slaughterhouse. Call or e-mail for details.

Gray Rock Farm, Ron and Shirley DuPonte, 148 Narrow Avenue, Tiverton RI 02878. (508) 994-5312.
E-mail: workingfarmgirl@yahoo.com. Website: https://www.grayrockfarm.com/.

Jordan Farm raises grass fed Hereford cattle just off Buzzard's Bay in S. Dartmouth, MA. We work with a closed, cow/calf herd where all market animals are born and raised on the farm. Following the rotational grazing practices of Jim Murphy, Joel Salatin, and Sarah Flack for over 30 years, our objective has been to constantly improve the quality of our herd, our pastures, and the winter forages leading to higher quality cattle and beef products.

Certified Grassfed logo

Jordan Farm is Certified Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) and Certified Grass Fed by A Greener World. We follow sustainable, organic, and regenerative protocols on the farm; we will be seeking regenerative certification in late 2024 and organic certification in 2025/6.

Except for organic mineral supplements, we use no chemicals, growth hormones or GMO products in our animals or on our fields/winter forage.

All animals are processed at Meatworks, the new USDA processing plant in Westport MA; bulk orders are all cut to each customer's specifications.

Jordan Farm, Andy Burnes, Manager, 22 Jordan Road, S. Dartmouth, MA 02748. 617-759-1701.
E-mail: andy@jordanfarm.com. Website: jordanfarm.com.

Sanford Farm is a family farm raising grass-fed Angus-Hereford cross beef. The beef is available in fall and early winter, and occasionally in early summer with a steer held over the winter.

Our beef animals are bred, born, and raised on a closed farm, in a low stress rotation system, going on new grass every 1 or 2 days. They only eat grass with no subtherapeutic antibiotics, growth hormones, chemical pesticides. Their winter feed is hay produced on this farm and one or two others. The only grain they see is the bait necessary to lure them into the headgates for low stress handling.

They are processed in a USDA inspected facility, and then aged for a week or ten days before butchering. The animal is divided into 4 equal quarters, containing one fourth of the different cuts, which are freezer wrapped, labeled and weighed. The quarters weigh between 80 and 100lbs, depending on the size of the animal.

We are also associated with another grass based farm in Greene, RI, that follows the same protocols for raising and processing their animals.

Sanford Farm, Ted Sanford, 10 Sanford Farm Road, Exeter RI 02822. (401) 212-7850.
Website: https://www.sanfordfarm.com/.

Page updated 11/4/2024.


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by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

NY Times Bestseller
by Eatwild Founder
Jo Robinson

Eating on the Wild Side


Pasture Perfect
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