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Pastured Products Directory – Oregon



Find a farm or ranch near you on our Eatwild Oregon map, or browse the alphabetical list below.

Visit our Oregon Beyond the Farm page for a list of local markets, restaurants, stores and buying clubs that sell grass-fed products.

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The following farms and ranches have certified that they meet Eatwild's criteria for producing grassfed meat, eggs and dairy products. Contact these farmers directly to buy their products. Eatwild does not sell any food products.

Basket Flat Ranch is located in the Pacific Northwest, near Battle Ground, Washington. Basket Flat Ranch utilizes the mild, wet climate, longer growing season, and lush pastures to produce a superior, all natural, grass fed beef product for your dinner table.

We feed our beef animals only grass and clover pasture and locally grown grass and clover hay during the Winter season. We fertilize our pastures with manure and manure compost and avoid the use of chemical fertilizer.

We do not use any hormones or anti-biotics and we are a small ranch with tame animals that we personally work with in a low stress manner.

We raise Angus beef (both red and black color), and we are constantly selecting genetics in our breeding stock for the best tenderness, marbling, and steak thickness.

We are passionate about raising beef with all natural techniques and carefully taking care of and stewarding our animals and pastures year after year so we can produce a healthy beef product for our table and yours.

We serve the S.W. Washington and Portland, OR Metro area. Our beef is available for pick up from a local butcher in Battle Ground, WA. Please visit our web site for ordering, quantities, pricing and availability.

Basket Flat Ranch, Jon Schoenborn, 21309 NE Basket Flat Road, Battle Ground WA 98604. (360) 601-5918.
E-mail: jons@basketflatranch.com. Website: www.basketflatranch.com.

Birkeland Farm is a women-owned ranch raising grass fed/grass finished beef in a Beavercreek, Oregon since 2014. Our animals are raised humanely in natural herd environment. Grass fed/grass finished, no hormones, no antibiotics, never confined.

We sell exclusively online year-round and at area Farmers Markets, May to October. We sell individual retail cuts as well as bulk purchasing.

See our website for other seasonal outlets and events.

Birkeland Farm, Lynne Van Dusen, Beavercreek OR 97202. (503) 732-0265.
E-mail: birkelandfarm@gmail.com. Website: www.birkelandfarm.com. Instagram: www.instagram.com/birkelandfarm.

Butler Creek Farm grass-fed cows are born and raised on a small coastal Oregon Century Farm that was homesteaded by our family in the 1800s. The farm includes old growth timber, salt marsh and alluvial flood plain pastures.

Our cows are humanely treated and graze our pastures year round. Their winter diets are supplemented with clover and grass hay that is grown and harvested on-site. They are not fed any grains. They do not receive any hormones or low level antibiotics. They do receive immunizations and de-worming solutions as recommended by our herd veterinarian to keep them healthy in our lush environment.

Beef is sold by the whole, half, or quarter animal. We also sell hamburger by the quarter animal. Our cattle are butchered on-site by a licensed mobile butcher. This is carefully done away from the rest of the herd. The butcher hauls the hanging beef in a refrigerated truck to the custom meat packing plant, where it is aged under refrigeration. We use one butcher in Eugene and one in Bandon.

We only sell our beef directly to consumers each fall (typically) with the option of delivery for a $45 fee, or you can pick up your product directly from the butcher.

Butler Creek Farm Grass-fed Beef, Nadja Sanders, 2160 Arthur Street, Eugene OR 97405. (541) 344-5204.
E-mail: bcfgrassfed@gmail.com. Website: www.bcfgrassfed.com.

Campfire Farms is a carbon-negative, pasture-based pig (pork) and poultry (chicken) farm in Mulino, Oregon. Our mission is to raise happy animals on pasture, while nurturing healthy soil and feeding our community.

We’re building a Silvopasture system, which is, in our opinion, the most idyllic farm scenario: our fields are full of lush perennial grasses, fruit and nut trees, and livestock grazing about. The grass is a photosynthesis carpet, pulling carbon out of the air and turning it into food for the animals. The fruit and nut trees provide food for us, and whatever we don’t eat, the animals will. And the animals poop. As they roam around, they spread their manure. They also compact the soil, but the roots from the grass and trees break it up again. We move the animals each week so they aren’t over-fertilizing or compacting any one area too much. And if they do (because life gets busy), we make sure to reseed that area.

We’re creating a system that will be able to produce food beyond our time here, for whoever wants to do the work. We are farming for the future.

The best way to learn more or shop with us is through our website or by visiting us at the Oregon City Farmer's Market, PSU Farmer's Market or the Milwaukie Farmer's Market.

Campfire Farms, Christina Menchini, 18232 S Valley Vista Rd. Mulino, OR 97042. 720-207-8117.
E-mail: info@campfirefarms.com. Website: www.campfirefarms.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/campfirefarms. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campfirefarms/.

Carman Ranch is a fourth generation working cattle ranch. We raise 100% grassfed beef for people who care about quality, who want to know where their food comes from, and who are concerned how animals are treated. We accomplish this without the use of added hormones, antibiotics, or commercial fertilizers. We care deeply about our land, our animals, and our community. We strive to:

  • Produce exceptionally tender and flavorful beef
  • Engage in practices that promote environmental stewardship and
    good range management
  • Treat all our animals humanely and with respect.

You can find our booth at the Portland Farmer’s Market and on the menu of some of Portland's finest restaurants. We sell individuals cuts as well as sides and quarters cut to your specifications at our trusted local butcher shop.

We only offer beef in the summer and fall months and sell out each year. Please contact us early for best availability, or join our e-mail list for updates. Thank you.

Carman Ranch, Cory Carman, 67357 Promise Road, Wallowa OR 97885. (541) 263-0812.
E-mail: cory@carmanranch.com. Website: www.carmanranch.com.

Cedar Park Grazing’s ranch headquarters is in the small town of Riddle, Oregon.
If you are looking for pasture-raised and pasture-finished beef or lamb we invite you to look at what we offer.

Our animals are raised using gentle, low-stress handling methods, with rotational grazing to ensure excellent health. They are never exposed to antibiotics or hormones, and they eat exclusively non-GMO pasture grass nine months of the year with some additional grass hay during winter months. They never see a feed lot or corn.

Jo Robinson, host of this website, has done her research and she provides ample evidence on this site for the health benefits of meat from pasture-raised animals. We have linked to her site for years from our initial website, UmpquaValleyLamb.com.

Your order will be shipped cold in specially chosen wool-insulated boxes with 1–2 day delivery. Wool is a great insulator (ask the sheep!), and it enables us to avoid using Styrofoam. If you find a unique use for the wool insulation when you receive your box, let us know and receive a 10% discount on your next order.

Most of our orders are shipped to west coast locations, although we’ve filled orders on the east coast as well, with meat still cold on arrival!

We welcome questions about how we manage pastures and how our animals are raised. Place your order or contact us at https://cedarparkgrazing.grazecart.com/ or kpanner@frontier.com.

Cedar Park Grazing, Kathleen Panner, PO Box 1120, Riddle OR 97469. 541-874-2618.
E-mail: kpanner@frontier.com. Website: https://cedarparkgrazing.grazecart.com/.

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The Crooked Gate Ranch, LLC is located in the beautiful Oregon coast foothills roughly halfway between Corvallis and Eugene, OR. Our grass finished beef is raised naturally utilizing a sequence of different forages to give the meat the finish you deserve. We use no feed-grade antibiotics, growth hormones, feed additives, grains, etc., just quality forages that animals were intended to eat.

Our herd is primarily Black Angus, to provide their excellent meat traits. All the animals we sell as grass finished beef were born and raised on the farm, allowing us to assure you of the entire history of the animal. We utilize management intensive grazing to constantly provide our animals with fresh forage, and utilize different forages during the season to match the animals' energy and protein needs and to provide you with the quality product you deserve.

We sell beef by the quarter, half, or whole, or offer sample packs and ground beef packs for individual sale.

Crooked Gate Ranch, LLC, Mark and Mechele Poorman, 26293 Foster Road, Monroe OR 97456. (541) 424-3050.
E-mail: info@greatgrassbeef.com. Website: www.greatgrassbeef.com.

At Cunningham Pastured Meats, located on the Oregon/Idaho border, we raise grass-fed and finished beef and lamb as well as pastured pork and chicken.

All our animals graze our wild meadows and have access to clean water and plenty of open space. We have been selling pastured meats for several years and are happy to help anyone looking to start buying bulk meat for their freezer.

  • Our animals are NEVER given antibiotics and hormones.
  • Pigs and chickens receive supplemental NON-GMO grains.
  • We sell bulk freezer meat at a price that families can afford compared to supermarket store prices.
  • A small local butcher harvests our animals and will cut your bulk order according to your specific requests.
  • We harvest meat several times throughout the year to keep your freezers full!
  • Pre-boxed options are available year-round on our website for local pickup or delivery.
  • All Cunningham Pastured Meats now available at Cliff's Country Market in Caldwell, Idaho.

Visit our website for all the information you need to know about our animals, management practices, and ordering.

Cunningham Pastured Meats, Liz Cunningham, Jordan Valley OR 97910; Pickup location: Cliff's Country Market, 217 Blaine St. Caldwell, ID 83605. (208) 649-4403.
E-mail: support@cunninghampasturedmeats.com. Website: http://cunninghampasturedmeats.com.

The Deck Family Farm raises Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken and sells by the side or by custom 20-45 lb. boxes which we ship frozen to your home.

Our goal is to raise healthy happy animals. We respect our animals and the life that they are giving. All of our Cows, Hogs, Lambs and Chickens have pasture access 365 days a year from birth to death. Pasture raised animals not only live a more stress free life than their confinement fed counterparts but they also grow to provide a healthier meat. We do not use synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, hormones or antibiotics.

Our commitment to you is to raise the healthiest, happiest animals possible and we believe, that in turn, these animals will provide the best nutrition for you and your family.

Boxes start at $115 for 20 lbs. We offer free shipping to Central California, Oregon, and Washington State and a 10% discount for local pickup.

Deck Family Farm, Christine Deck, 25362 High Pass Road, Junction City OR 97448. (541) 998-4697.
E-mail: info@deckfamilyfarm.com. Website: www.deckfamilyfarm.com.

The Faded Rose Ranch is located on Puget Island, on the banks of the Columbia River, across the bridge from Cathlamet, WA and accessible via ferry from Westport, OR. The ranch is within a scenic drive from both Seattle, WA and Portland, OR areas. This one-man and two-dog sheep and cattle operation offers all-natural, grass-fed freezer lamb and beef by the whole or half.

All animals are bred, born, and raised here. Grass/hay, clean water, plus mother’s milk make up the diet of our livestock. Our happy animals are raised in a stress-free and humane environment. We are not certified organic but we try. No hormones, supplements or antibiotics are ever used.

The delicate flavored lamb of a Katahdin hair heritage breed ewe will be a welcome addition to your diet. We look forward to telling you why. Our beef comes from Irish Dexter cows usually crossed with Black Angus to give the finest flavor and a size that will fit in your freezer. Delivery to a local butcher is included in the sale. Delivery to your location may be possible.

Product is available in the fall and can be made available other times of year if prior arrangements are made. It does help the shepherd's planning if indications of product interest could be made as far as possible in advance of your need.

Come visit, bring a kayak and enjoy the river. We are proud of how we raise our animals and we are proud of the quality, taste and safety of our products. We look forward to feeding you soon!

The Faded Rose, Mike McAvoy, 130 E Little Island Road, PO Box 313, Cathlamet WA 98612. (360) 849-0030.
Website: www.localharvest.org/the-faded-rose-M17521.

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Helvetia Farm Market See Marion Acres below

High Meadow Farm is located on 367 acres in the Cascade foothills where we raise free-range beef for people who care about quality, who want to know where their food comes from, and who are concerned how animals are treated. Our beef is 100% traceable. We have a closed herd and raise all the beef we sell on the farm. We care about our land, our animals, and our health.

Our herd of Purebred Polled Hereford cattle is selected for their excellent meat traits and calm disposition. Our cattle are never confined and have free access to pastures year-round. Our grass-finished beef is raised naturally on non-irrigated pastures supplemented with Oregon-grown hay in winter. We use no feed-grade antibiotics, growth hormones, or feed additives—just quality forages that animals were intended to eat.

The animals are processed in a USDA-inspected plant. To maximize tenderness beef carcasses are hung two weeks and the cuts of meat are double-wrapped and quick frozen.

We sell beef by the half, or whole. Custom meat cutting is provided by Gates Family Tradition Meats in Cottage Grove who make exceptional Beef Jerky in 4 flavors.

High Meadow Farm, Martha DeWees, DVM. Fall Creek, OR 97438. (541) 746-8329.
E-mail: mhddvm@gmail.com. Website: www.highmeadowherefords.com.

Lightfarm is a pastoral regenerative farm and wilderness mountain ranch at 1800 feet–3200 feet elevation, surrounded by the Umpqua National Forest with seasonal wetland and year-round clean creeks. We raise Mini Nubian dairy goats, Katahdin x Dorper hair sheep, poultry, and Akbash livestock guardian dogs. Fresh delicious goat’s milk, cultured creme cheese, and goat whey bouillon available.

Lambs and dairy goat kids ready for starting a new herd or for butcher are available seasonally. Training is offered in consistent dairy goat production, Natural Animal Husbandry, and creating farm gourmet meals.

Housing is available for patrons of the farm, including RV site, cabin, and shared facilities. Many acres of virgin natural areas for wildcrafting as well as a natural setting for a do-it-yourself detox retreat.

Czech-born, lifelong naturalist Elder and herder works the farm with occasional volunteers. Organic intelligence and the healing natural ways are a continuous tête-à-tête with Source.

Lightfarm, Alexis Sebik, 795 Diamond Elk Road, Tiller, OR 97484. 541-825-7855
E-mail: lightfarm@mail.com. Website: None.

The Little Seven Seven Ranch is committed to raising unrivaled Highland Beef on our family-owned and managed mountainside ranch. L77 beef is USDA inspected, allowing us to welcome both large and small orders.

We raise Highland Cattle, a slow growing heritage breed known for superior flavor and tenderness. Our cattle browse 2,000 acres in the Columbia River Gorge, enjoying a biodiverse diet of perennial native grasses and brush. Fields, forest, rocks, and hills allow this ancient and hardy breed to live the lifestyle for which they were bred.

Highland Beef is higher in iron, protein and Omega 3s than commercial beef.

Highland Beef is lower in fat and cholesterol than commercial beef.

Need we say it? We do not use growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, fertilizers…

The L77 is dedicated to all natural practices best suited for our cattle and the land which supports them. Many of our customers enjoy coming to The Gorge and seeing the impressive Highland Cattle in the fields and forests, visible from the public roads.

Customers may purchase L77 beef directly from the ranch. Call or email to get a Local Price List, make an appointment at The Ranch Shop, or to discuss delivery of larger orders. Our beef is also available through the Gorge Farmer Collective.

The Little Seven Seven Ranch, Mary Kleihege, John Streur, 386 Lyle Snowden Road/USPS PO Box 307, Lyle WA 98635. 509-767-7130.
E-mail: mary@L77ranch.com. Website: www.L77ranch.com or www.gorgefarmers.com. Instagram: the_little_seven_seven_ranch.

Malheur River Meats was created with the belief that great tasting meat can be healthy and affordable while being produced using humane, sustainable poly culture practices. We are family owned and operated, residing in the beautiful high desert region of Malheur County in southeastern Oregon, just 25 miles from the Idaho/Oregon border.

At Malheur River Meats we believe that producing great tasting healthy meat starts with happy, healthy animals. We accomplish this by providing an environment in which our grass-fed/grass-finished Angus beef, grass fed meat goats (seasonal), outdoor pasture access raised hogs (pork) (Berkshire, Duroc, Spot crosses) and poultry (seasonally) are raised the traditional way, the way nature intended. Our animals spend their lives expressing their natural behavior foraging on grasses, browsing, or just rooting around. These animals are free of antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones and animal by products. We do not use herbicides or pesticides on our pastures.

Our beef and pork are available year-round by the individual cut, quarter, half or whole (calculated on individual packaged weights), plus meat bundle packages. Our beef is dry aged for at least 14 days. Our goat and poultry offerings are available seasonally. Smoked meats, sausages and jerky varieties make up the rest of our product offerings.

To place an order or find out more information about our products, feel free to visit us at our website, call, text, or email. We do local deliveries, or you can arrange to stop at the ranch to pick up an order.

Malheur River Meats, 4276 John Day Hwy, Vale, Oregon 97918. (208) 573-1058.
Email: malheurrivermeats@mindspring.com. Website: www.malheurrivermeats.com.

Marion Acres is a small, family-owned farm offering pasture-raised, artisan meats. Our animals are moved daily onto new fresh, green pastures. We never use antibiotics or hormones, and only use sustainable practices and locally grown feed.

Pasture-raised and moved every day onto thick, fresh pasture. Our chicken is seasonal, usually beginning in May. We butcher, clean, package, and label our poultry on our farm to minimize the stress on the birds and to provide the freshest possible chickens.

100% Pasture-raised and finished. Cows are moved daily onto a thick, fresh plot of pesticide-free pasture.

Pasture-raised and finished. Our pigs are moved every few days onto a thick, fresh plot of pasture where they can freely roam, forage, and wallow.

Our mobile coop is moved frequently onto a fresh plot of pasture, but hens are always free to roam the whole farm. Non-GMO, locally milled feed.

All our farm products, including our meats, are available daily at Helvetia Market, our farm grocery store. We also work with thousands of local vendors to provide products and produce from the Pacific Northwest. We have everything you need, including groceries, handmade gifts, wine and beer pours, an espresso bar, and more!

We believe our birds should be treated humanely and processed with care. We are an ODA (Oregon Department of Agriculture)-certified processing facility and can safely process our birds as well as other farms’ birds.

"At Marion Acres, we strive to honor God's call to service by providing our community with local, high quality, fresh, and sustainable food that we openly stand behind. We believe in stewardship, which to us means having the greenest pastures, the happiest animals, and the most satisfied customers. It is a blessing and honor to provide honest food for you and your family in a relationship that we hope spans many years."

For more information, visit our website, drop an email, or call us on the phone!

Marion Acres, LLC., Geoff and Amy Scott, 23121 NW West Union Road, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124. 503-928-4428.
E-mail: Hello@marionacres.com. Website: https://www.marionacres.com/. Facebook // helvetiafarmmarket. Instagram: Farm // @marionacres; Market // @helvetiamarket; Processing // @helvetiapoultry.

McIntyre Pastures is family owned and has been in the family for over four generations. We offer 100% grass finished beef, along with pastured pork, and eggs.

You can order beef and pork in bulk and we also have cuts available. Once you place an order we will find a mutually beneficial place to meet and deliver your products. We are in the process of changing over our pastures to be certified organic.

Our pasture-based system helps to keep a low carbon footprint. Also, our pigs and chickens receive non-GMO grains grown right on the farm. The animals are not given antibiotics or hormones. Our animals are humanely raised on pasture and we breed for docile animals. This creates a low-stress environment, for not only animal but also humans. All the animals are rotated throughout the pastures to increase soil health and also regenerate the land. Without healthy soils we cannot have healthy plants, animals, and humans.

  • Cows: 100% Grass finished, never fed grain
  • Pigs: ration-grown on farm, no crates or pens, with movement allowed to develop intramuscular fat (taste)
  • Chickens: free range chickens, allowed to forage for food, mineral-rich eggs

For more information about our animals, you can visit our website or contact us.

McIntyre Pastures, Evan Lynam, Brad McIntyre, 17995 Lewis Lane, Caldwell, ID 83607. (208) 573-4923.
E-mail: sales@mcintyrefamilyfarms.com. Website: www.mcintyrefamilyfarms.com.

Meadow Harvest 100% grass-fed beef and lamb.

Our farm consists of 60 acres along a beautiful river. All the pastures are fenced so cows never disturb the banks. All our animals are born and raised on our farm, grazing with their mothers on pastures in a rotational grazing system.

We do not feed grain, hormones or antibiotics. We put our animals comfort and heath as priority number one. We use antibiotics as medicine to treat health problems. The lambs for butcher never receive antibiotics. Occasionally the beef may need to be treated for a problem; we keep track of the treated animals and can assure customers their animal has never received an antibiotic.

We send our animals to a USDA inspected butcher where the meat is dry aged cut and wrapped. We have most of the popular cuts of beef and lamb and can arrange custom orders. We also sell whole and half lambs in the fall. The butcher we use is not certified organic so our meat will not be sold as organic. We are happy to answer specific questions about our products or management.

We sell meat at farmers markets and at the farm, contact us for arrangements. We are located about one and a half hour's drive from Portland OR.

Meadow Harvest, Sage Walden, 19350 Barber Road, Nehalem OR 97131. (503) 368-5078.
E-mail: meadow-harvest@hotmail.com. Website: www.meadowharvest.com.

Monitor Farm is located in Mount Angel, Oregon, where our family has been raising pigs and cattle on this farm for more than 100 years.

Our cattle eat only grass. In addition to rotating them around our various pastures, we make enough hay in the spring and summer to feed them in the winter when the grass is not growing.

Our pigs are a mix of heritage breeds and our herd has been on this family farm for nearly 100 years. We raise most of their feed right here on the farm. Upon special request, we can finish them on hazelnuts that we also raise.

We sell (you can purchase) half or whole beef or pork, and have it custom-butchered to fit your needs. We normally use a USDA-inspected butcher located only five minutes away from our farm here in Mount Angel. You will pick up your meat there (we don't ship or deliver).

We generally harvest year-round, although there may be a couple of months between harvests and/or it may take some time to get on the butcher's calendar.

For more information, please call my cell phone listed below. I'll likely answer you from out in the field somewhere. If I don't answer, just leave a message and I'll call you back.

Monitor Farms, Charlie Bochsler, PO Box 407, Mount Angel, OR 97362. (503) 910-8459.
E-mail: crbochsler@gmail.com. Website: none.

Moomaw Family Farm provides pastured-raised, grass-fed meat to families in and around Portland, Oregon through our CSA subscriptions.

  • We offer Chicken, Pork, Beef and Lamb to choose from.
  • We provide the absolute best living conditions for our animals, which results in meat that is tastier, safer, and more nutritious.
  • You choose the types and amount of meat you want, then we deliver it right to your door on a monthly basis.

Visit our website for more info...

Moomaw Family Farm, Nathan Moomaw, 17281 S Clackamas River Drive, Oregon City, OR, 97045. (503) 927-6306.
E-mail: info@moomawfarm.com. Website: https://www.moomawfarm.com/.

MoonLight Farm, LLC is located in Sweet Home, Oregon. We raise registered Katahdin sheep for breeding and meat on 64 acres of pasture, along with a small number of American Guinea hogs, Irish Dexter cattle, chickens, ducks and LaMancha dairy goats. We hold a Prepackaged Meat Sellers license through the Oregon Department of Agriculture and currently offer for sale:

  • Lamb – whole, half and by the cut. We also sell registered Katahdin breeding stock.
  • Beef – by the quarter and by the cut.
  • Pork – whole and half and by the cut.
  • Raw goat milk
  • Chicken eggs and duck eggs.

All our animals have access to pasture year-round, day and night, with barns for cover in inclement weather and for winter feeding of hay. The sheep and cattle are on a rotational grazing program through the spring and summer. When the pasture dries in the late summer, we supplement the sheep and cattle with hay and free choice minerals. We utilize a deep-bed straw program in the barn for the winter months, moving the partially composted straw and manure to a compost barn. When this is ready, I use a manure spreader to spread the material on the pasture to put nutrients back into the soil.

We practice an organic policy for pest and insect management and don’t use chemicals on the pastures or in our gardens.

AWA logo

Environmental Conservation:
We currently have seven acres, divided into four separate areas, in a Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) through the Department of Agriculture. These areas also have blue bird nests set up and two ponds in them as well.

Animal Welfare Approved–Farm Sheep
Animal Welfare Approved–Grass Fed Lamb

Farm Visits:
By appointment only. We are usually on the farm and love to show our operation but want to make sure we have time for you if you come by.

MoonLight Farm, LLC, Bryan and Mary Moon, 40524 Highway 228, Sweet Home OR 97386. 541-972-1903.
E-mail: moonlightfamilyfarm@gmail.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoonLightFarmMBM/.

Ramsden Ranch provides Mountain Beef. Our cattle are grazed in balance with Nature’s law. They forage on native grasses, that is wild.

Our beef is sold in quarter, half, and whole shares. Those are delivered to Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Kennewick, and Pullman, Washington and Portland, Oregon in the fall. We meet customers at specific delivery sites in those areas in September, October, and November. Place your order anytime for fall delivery!

We also ship direct. See website for details.

Our goals are to provide wholesome, healthful beef and to promote a pastoral grazing system that advances the management of our natural resources, allowing us to become a sustainable ranch and a home where our children can grow. Ultimately we strive to benefit the land, community, and our own family through thoughtful and caring stewardship.

Our ranch is situated on the border of Washington and Oregon. In 2020 we will be selling our beef at the Edmonds, Washington Farmers Market, Saturdays, 9am-3pm, from June to October.

Ramsden Ranch Mountain Beef, Mark and Amy Ramsden, PO Box 219, Enterprise, OR 97828. 541.263.1515.
E-mail: ramsdenranch@eoni.com. Website: www.mountain-beef.com.

Nehalem River Ranch is a pasture-based farm nestled along the Nehalem River in the western foothills of Oregon’s Coastal Range. In this lush and mild setting, our cattle and pigs thrive on the verdant, year-round pastures. Our grass-fed/finished beef and pastured pork are raised with deep respect for both the animals and the land.

We raise all our livestock humanely on pasture at our farm and do not treat our fields or livestock with any chemicals, hormones, synthetic ingredients, or antibiotics. Our pastures are buffered from riparian areas and are managed using intensive rotational grazing techniques.

For those who are concerned about the state of the current food system, are looking for nutritious whole food, and would like to participate in their food community, Nehalem River Ranch offers a choice.

Our grass-fed/finished beef is dry-aged the old-fashioned way and is available custom-butchered by the whole, half or quarter and pastured pork is available custom-butchered by the whole or half. We regularly stock retail cuts for both beef and pork. Visit us at www.nehalemriverranch.com for more details.

We invite you to come visit our ranch, meet our animals, and learn more about our operations!

Nehalem River Ranch, Jared Gardner / Hilary Foote, 22095 Foss Road, Nehalem OR 97131. (503) 368-6328.
E-mail: jared@nehalemriverranch.com. Website: www.nehalemriverranch.com.

Norton Creek Farm sells free-range eggs at the Blodgett Country Store, Richey's, First Alternative Co-op in Corvallis, and at farmer's markets in the Corvallis area in season. Our pasture-raised broilers are available by subscription May–October. The broilers are hand-processed and are picked up at the farm. Thanksgiving turkeys are pasture-raised Red Bourbons, an old-fashioned, smaller breed with fine flavor. Order early. We didn't have enough birds for last-minute customers last year!

Grass-fed Romney cross lamb (with an excellent, mild flavor), chevon, and pasture-raised pork are also available by subscription.

We believe that raising birds and animals on grass gives the best flavor.

Norton Creek Farm, Karen Black, 36475 Norton Creek Road, Blodgett OR 97326. (541-453-5841)
E-mail: nortoncreek@plamondon.com.

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Nourished With Nature is a small family farm in Lebanon, Oregon. Blake and Julia and their three young boys own and operate the farm. We raise the kind of meat you want to feed your family—FREE of chemicals, additives, hormones, antibiotics, and common allergens like corn and soy. It is some of the cleanest and tastiest meat you can find, and we want to share it with you!

We raise pastured and organically fed Berkshire PORK, finished on acorns in our oak wood lot. We also raise grass-fed and finished BEEF. In addition, we sell bones for broth, and organ meats such as heart and liver.

Our pork is supplemented with a locally milled, non-GMO, corn- and soy-free feed.

You can purchase pork by the half or whole, and beef by the quarter, half, or whole. We also have individual cuts of beef and pork available in our Farm Store and at Farmer's Markets. See our website for dates, times, and locations.

We are completely transparent in all we do.

You can reserve all our farm products by placing a deposit on our website. We do our best to keep our waitlist short, but it is best to get on the list as soon as possible.

Please visit our website for availability and prices.

Email us if you would like to be added to our farm community email list and stay up to date with course offerings, next butcher dates, back in stock announcements, and seasonal recipes.

We look forward to meeting you!

Yours Naturally,
Blake and Julia Bell

Nourished With Nature, Blake and Julia Bell, 34847 Bond Road, Lebanon OR 97355. (541) 409-3719.
E-mail: info@nourishedwithnature.com. Website: https://www.nourishedwithnature.com. Facebook: Nourished With Nature Grass-Based Farming.

Ramsden RanchSee Mountain Beef above

Red Mountain Grass Fed Beef are raised on river-bottom native and heritage grasses along the Yakima River at the base of Red Mountain (premium wine country).

We have set very high standards and practices for ourselves. We never, never, use grains, antibiotics, fertilizers, chemicals, growth hormones, etc. We use a machete to hand chop weeds (no health club fees here!) and have a no-till policy. Cattle are rotated between our pastures These cattle are 100% grass fed and finished. The land has an impressive earth worm population, and our fish keep busy cleaning our water trough. Our location is extremely peaceful and stress free.

We are not certified and have no plans to do so. We may exceed certified standards. (We get a little nuts with producing clean food.) Typically, all our steers are called for, but this year we had a few cancellations.

Harvest is about as stress free as it can be. Any sign of stress, we do not proceed with harvest. Stress really does affect the taste, and harvest is extremely important.

Please check-out our website, https://www.redmountaingrassfedbeef.com. When possible, get to know your farmer. We love to have visitors and bring the kids...you will all learn a lot.

Red Mountain Grass Fed Beef, Gary, 43821 North River Road, Benton City, WA 99320. (509) 392-9802.
E-mail: garydale14@gmail.com. Website: https://www.redmountaingrassfedbeef.com/.

River Run Farm offers pasture-raised and finished Beef from Black Angus cattle. We never feed grains or processed feeds. We sell halves and whole animals for locker beef and price is based on hanging weight.

River Run Farm Beef has been tested by Dr. Tilak Dhiman and was found to have unusually high levels (17 mg/g fat) of CLA.

River Run Farm, James and Ellen Girt, 19224 Swedetown Road, Clatskanie OR 97016. (503) 728-4561.
E-mail: theriverrunfarm@gmail.com.

Sea Breeze Farm is a diverse, multi-species, “beyond organic,” grass-based animal farm, formerly located on the beautiful Isle of Vashon in Washington’s picturesque Puget Sound. Although we still maintain our original property on the island, we have moved our farm operation into the gorgeous Nehalem River Valley located in the majestic Misty Mountains of Northwest Oregon, about 20 miles from Longview, Washington. For the time being we continue to sell from our mobile meat truck in Seattle and Vashon. Please see website for full details.

We do not apply commercial fertilizers of any kind to our pastures, relying instead on a grazing technique modeled after the migratory habits of wild cattle and bird populations. This labor-intensive, rotational system allows our freely-ranging poultry flocks to symbiotically forage, fertilize and cleanse the pastures behind our dairy herd. The resulting animal proteins produced on our farm are of infinitely superior quality, both flavor- and health-wise than those produced conventionally, and in our opinion are significantly superior to typical “Organic” animal products. We also take pride in the sustainability and resource-wise management of our farm systems.

Our full range of Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats, sausage, pâtés, and charcuterie are available at our “Magic Meat Truck” popups in Seattle and Vashon. We now offer shipping through our website to locations in Washington and Oregon. Please see our website for details on Shopping and Shipping.

Farmers Market Popups. Please see our website for current details:

  • University District Farmer’s Market Popup, 5229 University Way NE Seattle—Saturdays 9am–2 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats
  • Vashon Island Popup, Downtown Vashon—Saturdays 5:30pm–8 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats
  • Ballard Farmer’s Market Popup, 5200 Ballard Ave NW—Sundays 9am–2 pm, Year-Round. Pork, Duck, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and value-added meats

Sea Breeze Farm, George Page, Vashon Island, WA 98070.
E-mail: https://www.seabreeze.farm/contact-us. Website: https://www.seabreeze.farm/.

Winter Green Farm offers delicious, lean 100% grassfed beef. Our animals are treated with respect and raised in a manner that is both as natural as possible and which enlivens our farm. Our goal is to have all of our beef consumed by those that can respect and appreciate the difference in how our animals are raised.

We sell quarters, halves, and whole animals directly to the consumer. The beef is cut, wrapped and frozen to your specifications and must be picked up locally in the Eugene area. Our beef is available primarily in the fall with some availability year round. We also raise medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Most of our fruits and vegetables are sold to over 300 families that are members of our farm. Our herb and vegetable production has been certified organic since 1984. More information is available on our website.

Winter Green Farm, Jack Gray, 89762 Poodle Creek Road, Noti OR 97461. (541) 935-1920. Beef Phone: (541) 935-1920
E-mail: folks@wintergreenfarm.com. Beef E-mail: beef@wintergreenfarm.com. Website: https://wintergreenfarm.com/. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wintergreencommunityfarm.

Page updated 2/10/2025.

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